
Making Disciples!

 Jesus says “Behold, I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields, that they are white for harvest. Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together (John 4:35-36: NASB).”

 The year of 2024 has started with abundant blessings from God in numerous ways. The highlight was a graduation ceremony finally being held on March 15, 2024. We had graduate students from different regions, except students from Laos who already had a graduation ceremony in January. We had students from Myitkyina, Lashio, and Laukkai of Myanmar, where severe battles are still going on and, of course, from Thailand. Students from Myanmar had to travel for 5 days and 4 nights (rather than a typical day trip) because of the constant fighting all the way to the border of Thailand. The graduate students consisted of recent and past groups ranging from 2011-2024. Sadly, some students passed away during the pandemic. They have gone before us to receive the crown of life (rather than a diploma) in front of a myriad of angels directly from our almighty God’s hands. Some of the other students could not make it because of the continual fighting in Myanmar and personal health problem.

Many of the graduates' friends and family attended

A blessed day for all

Derek was able to come to Thailand encourage everyone

One of our students, Samuel, is in his late adulthood. Covid-19 has destroyed most of his lungs and his heartbeat is about 40bpm. He can’t sit for over 30 minutes; otherwise, he would pass out. He told everybody that he has been praying to God to go through this ceremony before going home to be with God. He has been proud to study at AIS where helping him find “home” in the Scripture, the Word of God. Praise the Lord!

AIS’s mission is equipping Christian leaders by teaching the Scripture, God’s Word: we speak, where the Bible speaks; and we are silent, where the Bible is silent. Moreover, students of AIS come from different countries, ethnic groups and denominations. More students from Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam are applying at the moment for the coming classes of 2024. Please remember AIS in your prayers!

Several were baptized into Christ!

 Thanks to churches and friends who have faithfully been praying and supporting Asians For Christ in carrying out the Great Commission by evangelizing to the lost, equipping Christian leaders and empowering native churches throughout Southeast Asia and China. Without your faithful partnering, we would not be able to do whatever we had done. Special thanks to those visiting professors throughout the course, Dean Hammond and Derek Voorhees and to every one of the online teachers. Your sacrifices of time and monetary giving are deeply appreciated. We always look forward to your partnering in teaching. We also would like to invite many others to partner with us for making disciples in Southeast Asia and China. If you have a desire to do missions or would even like to help serve in any way, feel free to reach out to me (Stephen) or anyone at AFC. You are always welcome to come along and serve with us in sharing God’s Kingdom to the people in SE Asia and China.