
Count Your Blessings! HNY 2024

Count your blessings, name them one by one.

Count your blessings, see what God has done.

Count your blessings, name them one by one.

Count your many blessings see what God has done.

It’s time for us to count the blessings that God has poured into our lives, especially in 2023. Many times, it is easy to take blessings for granted. One can fall into comfort from own achievements. We can be ignorant in the face of His blessings and lack gratitude for His Grace which was demonstrated through His Son, Jesus. These are the reasons we reflect on the year so that we can capture and remember His work through our lives.

Stephen giving a sermon at the Christmas conference

Christmas conference in Chiang Dao

We have been blessed beyond our imaginations. In each year, we are able to share the Good News of Jesus who died on the cross on behalf of our sins to thousands of people who are lost and have no chance to hear, read and study His Word, the Scripture. Yes, people need to hear the Gospel of Jesus’ redemption. Without Jesus Christ, there is no salvation! Sadly, we are short of Christian workers and evangelists particularly those who are trained and rooted in the Word of God. In the past year, we offered intensive classes for Christian workers at the masters level both onsite and online, emphasizing God’s Word, the Scripture so that they will be able to apply the Bible into their own culture and context in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and China.

One of the students in Thailand earned two doctoral degrees: Buddhology (indeed, he was a Buddhist monk) and Theology. But he felt that his Bible knowledge was too shallow. In other words, he did not know the Scripture. So, he requested us to teach him nothing else except the Bible. Now, he is very enthusiastic in the mission works, evangelism in particular.

Besides the class room setting, we (students and I) have formed an evangelistic team to carry out the Great Commission to various remote villages in Thailand. In the past year alone, we built one church, two are on the process of church construction and two are gathering at houses. One of the villages in particular is Lapatha. This village has been known to persecute Christian. Even many non-Christians have lost their lives in this village with other reasons. It is considered a dangerous village. They will literally stone any person who wants to accept Jesus and severely threatened evangelists who tried to evangelize to this village. Almost three decades, Christianity could not reach this village. Praise the Lord! In the past year, our team started to target this village. With much prayers and evangelistic efforts, many people have accepted Jesus Christ as their own Lord and Savior, and many families from this village tore down and burned their spirit altars and were baptized. Now we are starting the process of planting a church in this village. This is the true blessing from our Living Lord and God!

Stephen and the students visiting villages in the mountain

The mountains get really cold

Even the remote village 

Mission works in Myanmar

As many of you have known that Myanmar has been facing civil unrest. The fighting is spreading over many parts throughout the country. In the midst of this unrest situation, our online Bible class continues, in fact, it is growing. Several prominent Christian leaders: pastors, preachers, evangelists, students and even governors have attended this online classes. In addition, there are about 70 preachers and evangelists from the Shan state of Myanmar who want to take Bible classes with us. We are now in the process of discussing where to hold classes and how many should enroll in each class.

In the midst of severe fighting in the northern part of Shan state of Myanmar, the ethnic group of people from the southern part of Shan state of Myanmar called us. This part of Myanmar perhaps is among the few places where there is no fighting. Two times this year, Mary and Stephen crossed the border at Maesai into Tachileik of Myanmar to feed the disadvantaged children and orphans.

Clothing ministry

Villagers picking winter clothes for the cold season

Our team reaching out to the Ahka tribe in the border
of Thailand and Myanmar

Mission works Laos

Yes, God is moving in Laos! Our mission works is growing and the number of Christians has increased. In each year, God has blessed our mission works tremendously. Every village and town we went, God had already pathed the way for us. Our gratitude goes to IDES who are partnering with Asians for Christ. This partnership has opened people’s heart, even the local leaders to cooperate in our mission works. Now, our campus ministry is constructing a house for college students. We are hoping that such building will become, not only for housing the college students, but also the place for reaching out many lost students and neighbors, the place for training Christian leaders, and the place for worshipping God.

The College Students planting some vegetables

Building a little chicken coop

The foundations for the new Campus Center in Laos


Mary’s clothing ministry has created great opportunities for evangelism to various ethnic people including Shan, Wa, Lahu and Ahka in Shan state of Myanmar. Stephen is continuing to enjoy his biblical studys. After spending a year studying Isaiah, he is working on Ezekiel while trying to complete his commentary on Romans and John’s Gospel. He is also enjoying teaching and evangelizing to various ethnic groups of people in Southeast Asia and China. Nick has one more semester to complete his class before writing his thesis. While studying, he also takes care of planning and organizing all the mission works. Becky is helping Nick teach online classes and help her mom with the house chores. Isaac is competing in an invention event in which he is making an automated physiotherapy device for canine rehabilitation. Your faithfulness in prayerful and financial supports for our family and ministry is much appreciated. We are always counting them as God’s blessings and praise Him for providing great partners!

Nick giving a presentation on Mental health

Mary and Becky spending time with the kids in the village