

“Why? Why? Why?” This was the response we got from many people as we distributed food to the needy in several countries. The people in Laos, the poorest and one of the most high risk countries for Believers in Asia, asked: why would they help us? They are not our relatives and they have never even met us and yet they help us? Many, filled with joy, cried after receiving a bag of rice. For many of us, we take lots of things for granted; most of the time, the many things we look over are sought after or prized by many people. Now, because of the love of God that the lost people experienced these past several weeks, many of them have accepted the gospel and some even gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! A small yet impact deed of love can transform the lives of many people. They are able to see the light and experience the love of the invisible God and the hope of eternal salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Yes, God is moving in Laos. We have a dream that God will transform this country. At the moment, we have various essential evangelistic strategic plans for this country that would bring many souls to Jesus the Messiah. Due to the sensitivity of our work in high risk areas, we won’t share these on the blog (if you’d like to know more in detail, let us know, we’d be happy to share through email).

The needy in Laos

The needy in Laos were surprised
and joyful to receive rice

Due to certain matters, distributing rice at night

Distributing food packages in Myanmar

Joyful smiles

The people in Myanmar have hope

The disabled and elderly in Myanmar
receiving food packages

In Thailand, our efforts covered the areas with displaced people from Shan state and Rakhine state of Myanmar, the disabled, the elderly and children. Some were non-believers and some were believers from several churches and denominations. Several people asked us why we helped many from different churches and denominations. We told them that we are representing Jesus Christ, not churches or denominations. We are Christ’s ambassador! We do our best to represent Christ to all! 

Food distribution in a Shan neighborhood in Thailand
(thanks to Thai brothers and sisters in Christ for their help)

After giving out food packages, praying for those who asked
and are open to prayers

We, Asians For Christ, always give thanks to God for allowing us to be a channel of His blessings to those in need, especially during this pandemic crisis in Southeast Asia: Thailand, Myanmar and Laos in particular. We thank all of you who are partnering with us through your prayerful and financial supports. Also, we thank those who helped us with on-the-ground works, packaging and distributing the food. Without everyone doing his/her part, it would be difficult to accomplish many responsibilities we are given. Thank you for serving God by doing your part for His Kingdom.

Family Update

The family is doing well. Since there are no new local Covid 19 transmissions, Isaac’s school has reopened (no more online classes). Becky and Nick are teaching a free online English course to Laotian students; they have built a great relationship with the college students there. 

Becky's time to teach grammar to her
six Laotian college students

Furthermore, the emergency decree in Thailand has been extended to the end of July where the government will have full authority to expressly pass regulations, for example limiting the amount of people at gatherings. However, regulations have been eased to the point where many areas, especially rural villages can now have gatherings. Churches in the mountains and remote areas have reopened. So, we have taken this liberty to visit the sick, help the poor, have fellowship with God’s people, and share His Word. We are so excited to see people again! We are filled with joy to see people laugh, the sick smile with hope, the needy being encouraged and comforted, and the message of hope in Jesus Christ continue to shine a light into this dark world. We see lives changed and people worshiping Jesus Christ; this is why we do what we do.

Visiting the sick and the elderly in Thailand

House devotional service with the Lisu in Northern Thailand

Stephen giving a short sermon at devotional
service at Tup Dua, TH

Stephen preaching at a Lisu church in Prao, Thailand

Refugees from Rakhine State, Myanmar coming
 to get food packages at our center

They also wanted prayers!