
Cultivating Biblically-Grounded Leadership


In these uncertain times, when the world around us seems to be constantly shifting, the role of Christian leaders has never been more crucial. I know it can feel totally overwhelming for those of us in the church, as we face a dizzying array of challenges - from complex ethical dilemmas to thorny social justice issues, all while trying our best to maintain our personal integrity and uphold sound doctrine. The pressure can sometimes feel unbearable, leaving us unsure of how to navigate these turbulent waters.

But friends, take heart, because we've got an unshakable foundation upon which to build - the enduring, life-giving Word of God. As 1 Peter 1:25 reminds us, "The word of the Lord endures forever." This eternal truth's has to be the bedrock that grounds and sustains our Christian leadership.

  The first group of students for 2024

Studying His Word together!

                                                              Enjoying a meal together!

You see, the Bible isn't just any old book. It's the very breath of God, reaching beyond the boundaries of time and culture to provide us with timeless wisdom, moral clarity, and profound spiritual insight. Its pages are alive and active, cutting right to the heart of our deepest needs and struggles. For leaders, Scripture doesn't just offer the core tenets of our faith - it gives us practical, life-giving principles to lead with integrity, compassion, and discernment.

I'm reminded of Paul's words to Timothy: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Oh, how we need that kind of equipping in these complex times! When we root ourselves in the steadfast Word of God, we're better equipped to navigate the stormy seas of moral ambiguity and false teaching.

The joy of studying the Bible

The Scriptures become our reliable compass, shaping not only our identity, but also the very mission and vision of the churches we serve. Right now, I know there are countless Christian leaders across Southeast Asia - in places like Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam - who are hungry and ready to receive this training. They're eager to be grounded in the truth of God's Word, so they can stand firm in their faith and lead their communities effectively.

Unfortunately, due to facility limitations, we can only accommodate 10 people per training group, leaving dozens more still waiting. But friends, I believe this is a critical ministry that requires the active participation and support of the global Christian community. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us, whether through financial resources, volunteered time, or fervent prayer?

When we come together to equip these leaders, we're investing in a legacy of biblically-grounded leadership that will endure for generations to come. The world may be in constant flux, but the Word of God remains our firm foundation. As Christian leaders root themselves in its eternal truths, they'll find the wisdom, strength, and grace needed to shepherd God's people and advance His kingdom with purpose and power.

The students from various parts of Thailand/Myanmar

Will you join us in this crucial work? I believe the eternal impact we can make together will be beyond our wildest dreams. The stakes are high, but the rewards are eternal. Let's rise up and build a generation of leaders who will stand firm on the solid rock of God's Word, come what may.

                                              Stephen's visiting a church during the weekend

Yours in Christ,

Stephen and the AFC team