
Vision of 2030

The mission work of Asians For Christ and Asia International Seminary is expanding beyond Thailand, Myanmar, and China, going into Laos and even Vietnam. In the past, Stephen and Nicholas brought the Good News of Jesus’s redemption all the way from the north of Sangri-la, the former Tibet at the origin of Salween River in China, to Thailand at the south. From Vietnam in the east to India in the west through evangelizing, equipping, and empowering with a wholistic ministry.

Praying for members of a new house church

Asia International Seminary has trained 30 evangelists from Laos, 15 from Thailand, 10 from Myanmar, and 90 in China to be rooted in the Scripture: To speak where the Bible speaks, to be silent where the Bible is silent! In fact, the graduation for master students will be held this upcoming March 16, 2024. Please lift up students from Myanmar who will travel to Thailand to attend this graduation ceremony. Pray for their safeties because war still rages in their country.   In addition, besides the group of Christian preachers, pastors and evangelists in Myanmar, a group of Christian leaders from Laos and Vietnam has requested for us to offer them Bible courses through Asia International Seminary (a seminary without borders).   

New Bible Graduates in Laos

Stephen teaching Revelation to the Thai students 

Moreover, there are still millions of people who have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not to mention other ethnic groups along with the Lisu people; 2/3 of Lisu people have not been reached even to this day. Almost 300,000 Lisu in Sangri-La, 50,000 in Sichuan, 50,000 in Baosang and several thousands in the Salween basin have not heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ yet.

Particularly, along the Salween basin in Myanmar, they are still growing opium and worshipping the evil spirits. In addition, not only do the Lisu people live in these areas, there are many other indigenous people who live in Salween River who share in very similar cultures and contexts. For instance, there are other indigenous groups of people like the Lahu and Ahka, Shan and Wa. What about Hmong, Mian (Yao), Khamu and Laotians in Laos, Thai Dum and Vietnamese at the northern part of Vietnam? There are many still who have not heard the Good News!

Asians For Christ strives to proclaim Jesus to all the ethnic groups by training them with the sound doctrine and sending local evangelists into every village; planting churches, making disciples, and teaching the Bible and different life skills. AFC is also encouraging and supporting them to use their gifts to reach others and to glorify God. The potential evangelists, staff and plans are all ready to start, but we lack the funds to initiate this great vision for Christ.

With your monetary resources, we could upscale the ministry so that we would be able to reach out to every single village and indigenous people for Christ according to Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the ethnic people, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” To continue to fulfill this Great Commission of Jesus, we ask that you please pray, join, and support us so that every lost soul will hear the Gospel of Jesus and accept Jesus as their own Lord and Savior.

Further updates

In January, David, Francis and Sandra came to visit us from Kaimuki Christian Church. It was wonderful to have people come visit our various ministries. The last time we had visitors from the States was before the Covid 19 pandemic. These three came and joined our ministry as they encouraged, taught, and preached at several churches, to groups of students and to the field workers in Thailand and Laos. We are very blessed to have a partnering team come and join us in our ministries. This short-term missions group has encouraged us to continue to do our best on the various mission fields. If there is anyone or any group that would like to make a short-term mission’s trip, you are welcome to come anytime!

David teaching leadership to the Thai students

Visiting the local school

Mary serving food at the school
Packing snacks for the kids

The kids love the snacks!

Preaching to a Lisu church in Chiang Mai

Nick encouraging the public school kids

Nick translating Francis' encouragement to the Lisu in Church