
Strength in numbers, Strength in the Lord

There is a saying “there is strength in numbers,” which is true in many occasions. When people help each other, they could delegate work and be more efficient, especially when everyone brings in their strengths and abilities. This was the case, many decades ago, as the Lisu people migrated from China to settle in Myanmar and Thailand. They traveled in groups and when they found a flourishing area with a river and wild game, they would begin to build houses out of anything they could find. After a while, when the village grew large and resources were scarce for everyone, a small group of people would break off in search for a new place. Smaller groups or unprepared groups have a hard time surviving the wild, and many end up having to assimilate with other ethnic groups and lose their Lisu identity; such is the case in Laos, for we know there were several small groups who traveled into Laos from China, but the contacts were lost, long ago (we are still searching for this lost Lisu groups in Laos to this day). Other reasons groups would leave to find a new home would be because of wars in the area, belief conflicts, and even internal politics. This is why there are many Lisu villages spread out across the mountains of China, Myanmar and Thailand. 

Present day Lisu village in Thailand,
living on the mountain side

As you may have known, Stephen began training up a new class of Lisu leaders. Yes, this group contains member in their 50’s and 60’s, but they have been diligently studying week long intensive courses each month. Nevertheless, God is using these guys who are mostly retired in reaching out to the lost in Thailand. One of the core requirements of Asia International Seminary, a grass roots non-traditional seminary under Asians for Christ, is for the students to go back to the biblical times in order to search for the original meaning and then contextualize what they have learned on the field. In order to train up and disciple these leader-students to evangelize and disciple others, Stephen with these leader-students have been going and evangelizing to remote villages of Thailand and converting many people each week. In the worldly perspective, our team is a small and weak, perhaps; even this particular mission’s task is led by a group of retire-aged people…oh! How many would say this is futile. But we know we can accomplish great things when God is with us!

Stephen with the Lisu leaders ready to go evangelize!

Stephen teaching New Testament Exegesis
Perhaps, you might be foreign to miracles or question if it still happens, because maybe you’ve seen something suspicious on television. We would just like to share this wonderful story of our powerful God. A lady in her late 70s arrives to meet us one evening as we were talking with a few villagers. People could tell there was something off about her. The way she would have ticks, moving of her facial muscles. On top of this, she complained about some type of pain on the inside. As she spoke with a frail tone, Stephen and the team offered to pray for her. She accepted. Immediately after they finished prayer, you could see an immediate change in the room. To everyone’s amazement, she no longer had ticks, was able to communicate with more strength than before and even started smiling. God moved to show His power in this place. After this incident, several people wanted to learn more about Jesus, and some believed and were baptized. From strangers, they became our brothers and sisters in Christ. God is so good!

After this prayer, she was healed

She believed and was baptized in a water storage

Several others were also baptized on that day. Praise Jesus!

In the recent decades, missions to the ethnic minority groups in Thailand seemed to have been over saturated. You would have thought that everyone would have at least had a chance to hear the Gospel. Boy were we wrong! As we discussed together about the potential area for evangelism in Thailand, several villages came to mind. To our surprise, there are still Lisu villages in Thailand yet to be reached. Several villages held heavily to their animistic belief in these villages, evangelists were threatened by force to never show up in the town. So, no one ever dared enter these villages because everyone there were openly against Christianity. Through prayers, we finally decided to try and reach these villages. First, we connected with the local in the town, and when the other villagers saw us, they openly laughed and warned us to watch our backs. But, the thing with unfamiliar places is that we need to rely on God all the more.

After a couple months of intensive prayer and frequent visitations, we saw the first villager in this small town accept Jesus Christ and was baptized. Oh how beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tiding of good things (Romans 10:15, NASB). These new converts are gathering at house churches, until they overfill the house; then raising money for a church building would be necessary.

Stephen and Mary singing hymns and teaching the youth
in one of the villages

In another village, they assembled a team
and went to teach the youth at another village

Stephen and the team were asked to tell the gospel
at many houses

Mission Field:

The ministry in Laos has expanded greatly, almost daily people believe in Jesus Christ. Praise God! Please continue to pray for this mission field as we work with the locals in equipping and empowering them to evangelize in their various communities. Please pray also for a group of local evangelists and their families, particularly, their needs for filling gas in their motorcycle to carry out the Great Commission to the lost souls.

Many believe and are baptized in Laos weekly
New brothers and sisters in Christ, in Laos
Another group of new brothers and sisters in Christ
In Myanmar, the war still tears through those lands. Unrest still remains. Help from outside the country is slowly dissipating. We are still teaching and encouraging the people in the country via online teachings/podcast. Unfortunately, it is not safe for us to go into the country. Several of our graduated students are still evangelizing in the north but it’s been tough.

In China, the bible class continues while the government continues to monitor with CCTV inside church buildings. In the midst of such circumstances, many Chinese Christians remain true to our Lord and Savior. Actually, a couple of the evangelists in the area came to see us in the past month. By the way, Stephen is still teaching the Bible for Christian leaders in Myanmar and China weekly via podcast. He has 85 leaders who are studying with him at the moment.

The group of Chinese evangelists came to visit us

Spiritually, many wander around exploring for a place to put their trust and hopes. Rarely do people find Jesus, the true hope, unless someone goes and tells them. We believe God is showing His Greatness, especially through obstacles. We continue to reach out to every corner of Southeast Asia and China even if it is potentially dangerous, because that’s part of the risk of evangelistic trips in many of these areas. Surely, there are many potential challenges along this spiritual journey. However, we believe that at the end of the day, it is rewarding to serve God and to see life transforming in each individual who meets Jesus Christ!


August turns out to be a celebration month for our family. In Thailand, mother’s day is set in August. Stephen and Becky were born in August. Mary is busy on taking care of daily needs not only for family but also for leader-students of the intensive classes, even though they took turns in cooking and cleaning. Isaac got a silver medal for the project of the Development of Hydrogel used as Mulch, which can delay the decomposition of fertilizer for his project in Indonesia International Olympian competition 2023. His other project for data sciences on depression is at the national competition. On top of helping teach Bible classes online with Nick, Becky started teaching English classes for little kids up in the mountains each month. This has been a very great opportunity as the little kids really like Becky’s classes. Nick volunteers in a youth ministry with Khao a local church in Chiang Mai. They have been serving there every other weekend and God is definitely working in the kids’ lives. The neighboring kids also asked Nick to continue to coach their soccer team. Nick has also dedicated his time to mentor to these high school/young adult age kids in the neighborhood. It has been tiring for Nick to study his Master’s program in mental health and to also do ministry, but he has now started to be able to balance and manage his time very well. Please pray for God to give him strength as he studies and serves the various communities.

Nick teaching the youth at a Thai church

The soccer students Nick coaches in a small league in town

We went out to eat to celebrate Thai mother's day

This month was also Stephen's birthday (Becky's soon to come)

We hope that you continue to pray for us as our ministry grows exponentially. We are baffled by the wonderful things God is doing on our mission field. Please take time to look at these pictures of all the things that has been happening!

May God Bless You,

The Wongs