
Reunion and Transformation

After years of being apart, we are finally reunited with John and Anna! This long-awaited family reunion couldn't have come at a better time as we’ve spent our time together making the most out of summer through various Christian ministries, serving the community, and having quality family time. To add to the excitement, Stephen started teaching a group of Lisu leaders at a Master’s level, and their efforts have led to many families finding Christ. Furthermore, our other ministries are doing exceptionally well in transforming individuals, families and communities with love and hope. This summer has certainly been one that will be remembered for years to come!


It’s evident that the ministry in Thailand has been growing at an astonishing pace. In particular, Stephen has been playing a crucial role in teaching a group of Lisu leaders at a newly established church in a village about 30 minutes north of Chiang Mai. The results have been remarkable as these leaders have been going out to evangelize, converting several families to Christ in recent months. Praise the Lord!

What is particularly exciting in Thailand is the revival that is currently underway. People are yearning to get back into the Bible. The Word of God is having a significant impact in transforming the lives of those that seek its wisdom. To take part in teaching the people who are hungry for the Word is absolutely a blessing since that is what we have been praying for in our mission field.

1 Corinthians class

Baptizing locals they have been evangelizing to

More Baptisms in another village

New family in Christ
During April 24-28, Stephen offered a week of intensive Bible study on 1 Corinthians to a group of leader-students. Most of these leader-students have a very high profile in their professions and educations. These leaders-students include a person who earned their PhD in Buddhology (Buddhism), the other one has passed the Bar test in Law and the other is heavily involved in Bible translation works. Some are Christian song composers and others are church planters. Of course, all of them took theology courses in Thailand. All of them have been deeply in touch with the Scripture and are not wanting to miss a single class. One of the students even asked his surgical doctor to postpone his surgery appointment in order to attend this class! Oh how the people hunger for His Word!

The class visiting sick elderly and praying for them
Stephen is planning to equip this group of leader-students to be his teaching team, rooted in the Scripture, in order to reach out to many other leaders in Southeast Asia and China. Our coming intensive course will be on the Gospels. Besides teaching, sometimes Stephen goes into the mission field with this group of students showing them how to apply the Word of God into different contexts and cultures, particularly baptisms and memorial events. We greatly appreciate your prayers for this ministry.  


In Laos, the ministry is thriving and growing! Recently, Nick made a visit to the country and was able to catch up with some friends in the ministry. They spent their time updating about families and ministry advancements, exciting news all around! During their meeting, they additionally discussed strategies on how to further spread the Word of God throughout the country. It's humbling to see evidence of God's work in Laos as people are coming to Christ and giving Him praise. With each week that passes, more people are coming to join His family; making it clear that God is at work in Laos!

A local bus ride from Thailand into Vientiane, Laos
Please fervently pray for our college student ministry in Vientiane. This college ministry has been very effective in evangelism in Laos as it offers safe shelter for students who come from underprivileged backgrounds and also reaches out to college students in the area (University of Laos and several smaller colleges). Most of the students living in the center have now given their lives to Christ and they are very active in sharing their new faith with their peers. The communities in the area is being transformed daily as more college students are coming to Christ.

One of the college student devotional groups

Recently, the place which we have used as the college outreach center, providing housing for 30 college students consisting of 2 small houses (one for male, one for females), will no longer be available for rent in a few months. The landlord recently, out of the blue, decided that they would turn this house into a different business. This is a big challenge because the college students will no longer have a place to live in the upcoming semester. You can probably attest to this, challenges tend to occur in the most inopportune times. This is where we pray for Faith and know that God has got our backs because we have witnessed it countless times before!

Of course, AFC’s plan is to have our own outreach center down the road as we know that challenges like these could occur, but we were blindsided by this sudden news. Prior to hearing this news, we’ve made some progress in recently acquiring a small plot of land, but we have not reached our fundraising goal in buildings and constructions. In order to build a more suitable housing/center we need to bring in electricity and water. In the meanwhile, we are asking for your fervent prayers as we try to come up with funds and resources to build a temporary wooden shelters for the students to at least have a roof over their heads until we have the means to build a more permanent building.

Nick with our friends in Laos

Nick and Becky are making a real difference in Myanmar by teaching English Bible class to students with the help of a servant-hearted team of teachers from Hawaii. The class is organized around popular Bible stories that many of the Myanmar Christian students are not familiar with. As they go through these stories, the teachers have found that many of the students lack a basic understanding of some of the popular stories, such as the Tower of Babel, the Israel and the Passover, and even Jesus the Messiah being explained in the book of Isaiah. The students have asked great questions that resulted in very productive discussions about the Bible. This is a ministry that has been a blessing for both the teachers and the students. What was moving was the students have voiced that this class is one of the highlights of their week as their country continues to go through political unrest and war.

Stephen is still continuing his online classes for Lisu leaders situated all over Asia. With the rise of the students in his online class, it's sometimes alarming to think if any of those students have sinister motives since some of the countries where the Bible class is taught are not that receptive to Christianity. Nevertheless, the majority of the attendees are grateful for the knowledge they've learned and we believe that God is with us in all that we do. Even though we may have fears, we have faith that many are benefitting from these classes and that God is pleased.


The family is together for the first time after gaining two daughters! Nick recently married Khao at the beginning of this year. John and Anna got married a few years ago but unfortunately during Covid-19, the family could not attend their wedding. Anyways, the reunited family is absolutely over the moon about spending time together again. It’s been over three years of being apart, so every moment feels like a gift. The family has been keeping each other entertained by playing games, having meaningful conversations and even enjoying the beautiful beaches in Krabi. Isaac was on summer break, so he was able to go and thoroughly enjoyed swimming and seeing monkeys on the beach. For most of the family, Krabi was the first time they ever traveled to the beach in Southern Thailand. It's such a joy to laugh and enjoy each other's company. Knowing that we have only have a month together, we are determined to make the most of every moment!

First time for many of them to visit Krabi, south of Thailand
John has been visiting churches with Stephen and have even given several sermons to encourage the locals. The people are very encouraged by the message and have invited John back to preach a few more times before he travels back to America. Anna has been taking some time every day to learn Thai language and connect with the family of different culture. We are so glad to have Anna and Khao be a part of this big family.

John and Stephen giving a encouraging sermon

John preaching at a new church plant
In Chiang Dao, Mary set up a family get together in order to remember her father who passed away last year. There was a small gathering as people prayed and enjoyed a meal together. It has been easier for the family, especially Mary, to have peace in Jeremy’s passing because we all have the same hope in Christ that he did. On top of this, everyone sat around reminiscing the great works that her father and the other missionaries have done in their lifetime. Because of their dedication to God, many people have come to Christ.
A fellowship meal at Mary's father's memorial event
The growth and revival in these countries are inspiring, and it's heartwarming to see how people are coming to Christ and spreading His love to others. Even in the midst of challenges, we see God's hand at work and we trust in His provision and guidance. Our family reunion is a joyful reminder of the importance of relationships and the blessings that come from spending time with loved ones. As we reflect on these recent events, we are filled with hope and gratitude for the ways in which God is working. May we all continue to be a part of God's transformative work!