
Laying the Biblical Foundation

As we go into public places, it is very obvious that the norm is back. Less and less people wear masks as days pass. Sometimes, we take little things for granted like a simple smile or a twitch of a mustache. We overlook a lot of things in our lives; some things we have so much of that we sometimes don’t feel that “wow” moment anymore. Like seeing emotion on someone’s face and it disappears for nearly 2 years and then it comes back… we may have that “wow” I didn’t know I missed being able to look at someone’s entire face as we converse. Then, after a couple weeks, we get used to it and we take it for granted again, thinking in the back of their minds, “what’s the chances of everyone having to wear masks again?” Nevertheless, there are many things that we hope will always give us joy and amazement. One, we hope that we never take for granted all the blessings, miracles, and even last second act of rescue from our amazing God. Second, we hope that we never get tired of the amount of literal come-to-Jesus moments, decisions, and baptisms. Third, we hope that we never stop serving and glorifying God even when facing challenges.

More believe and are baptized in a communist country

The joy of a new life in Christ

This past couple of months, Stephen has been thrilled to actually teach some of his students face-to-face. We believe through teaching, we lay the foundation of Biblical knowledge for the leaders of Christian churches. As the students teach/lead, they will be better equipped in following what God desires in their life, family, church, and community. As you may know, Asia International Seminary is a school without borders, which means we are not bound to teach at one setting/place. Asia International Seminary is set so that we bring college/seminary classes to local church settings. Partnering with local churches and even have classes in their church building, which is sometimes more convenient for the students in the area. This is one of the major reasons we have students throughout China, Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia (hopefully soon in Vietnam and Cambodia). This was especially useful during covid lockdowns and we taught through zoom and other online means when we weren’t able to physically meet with students. Without denominational discrimination, our requirements for students are that they need to be currently active in ministry and focus on studying the Bible exegetically.

One of the first on-site classes of 2023

Stephen teaching a group of Lisu Christian leaders
 at Hui Rai Church

In fact, the mission field is quite lacking in its native Kingdom’s workers. In Thailand particularly, many churches have no preachers and many new converts have no one to nourish them with His Word. At this moment, there are new converts from 5-6 different villages where we will be able to plant new churches. So, we are intensively teaching God’s Word and training a new group of Christian leaders so that they will be able to teach others not only to carry out the Great Commission, but also to shepherd those new churches. Within one particular on-site class, one student’s presence caused a slight rock in the boat for everyone. To be honest, we were a bit worried ourselves, but prayed fervently because this one student used to be a Christian leader who had gifts in preaching and worship, and then became a drug addict. In the past year, he repented and is coming back to church, with frequent accountability and support. This man has also recently been studying with Stephen. There is always hope for anyone in Christ. Please join us in praying with many Christians from China, Myanmar and Thailand for this repented leader in his physical and spiritual recovery, so that God’s grace and His power may be exhibited throughout this part of the world!

Stephen traveling to a remote mountain village to evangelize
and teach the Bible

Speaking of classes, Stephen has now been requested by other ethnic groups, such as the Lahu and Ahka people, to teach them the Bible. This has been very encouraging! We are still deciding if we are able to extend our classes at this moment because we simply need more teachers. If we can’t teach them at the moment, we’ll wait until the current students are well versed in a subject and then have them help teach several of the classes. Even though there are many things on our plate – such as evangelistic trips, discipleship groups, relief works – we believe that laying the foundation through teaching the Bible is one of the most important aspects in Christian works. Please pray for the equipping of Christians in our mission field.

They literarily burn their former idols to follow Christ,
throwing away their former life for the new
Making a small dam, in the Thai jungle,
to prepare a natural baptistry

Baptism of a Lisu family in remote area of Thailand

This year, we are planning to visit new converts, students, and churches in China, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam in order to mobilize them to expand His Kingdom to every corner of those countries starting from their own families, villages, towns and countries. In the past 2 years of lock down, we could only communicate with them via electronic devices; some of them only heard our voices, and some have never even met us face to face. The visit will be a great challenge for us, for instance, Myanmar is still having political unrest. China, Laos and Vietnam are communist. One thing is for sure is that our God is mighty and He is in control.


The family is doing well. We currently have Stephen’s sister from France staying with us. It’s been a real joy to connect and talk about how far God has brought each and every one of us. She has asked Stephen to go to France to preach and teach her children about Jesus Christ but that might be later in several years. Mary’s working in her garden most days and she has had so much great produce to share with neighbors and people in need. Every 2 weeks, Mary takes some of the produce to an elderly lady with a rundown house on the side of the road; this lady is able to make a little income by selling the vegetables on the side of the road. Every time, Mary drops by, we hear joy from this widow. Becky and Nick continue doing the English Bible class online with friends from Hawaii. Sometimes, it seems like it’s a discouragement because only one student joins because of the unstable internet and political issues in their country. We continue the class because for each of these students, this is their only light and what they look forward to during the week. Nick is planning to go to Japan soon to visit his wife Khao who has been doing some skills training in Japan for her work. Nick has also been accepted into a Masters program in Mental Health. This field will be a great asset as we will equip evangelists to have the ability to deal with mental health issues, which is a topic that’s not even heard of yet in some of these countries. Isaac is currently on his summer break so he has enjoyed sleeping in most days. He’s also been working on videography and continues to improve in his video editing skills. John and Anna will be back to visit us next month and we are super excited for that. Our entire family will be together for the first time in over 4 years.