
Ripe for Harvest!

As we come to the end of the year, we are preparing for many events in December. The month of November seemed like a time to prepare for the last and often one of the busiest month of the year. The reason December is full of ministry opportunities is because it’s the month when harvesting crops has come to an end and many people have a few weeks of break before the New Year. During December, Christmas festivals (often referred to as winter festivals for non-Christians) pop up left and right, in almost every village. This is a time of great jubilation and also a great harvest of souls for His Kingdom.

Since 2014, Thailand unfortunately has been Southeast Asia’s top drug hub. Even to this day, drug abuse has risen, especially among teens. With meth pills as low as .30 USD (cents), drug abuse among teenage boys is a huge issue, even in our neighborhood. For many year Asians For Christ has been investing in the lives of our neighboring children, not only to be a light to the community we live in, but also to transform the community through the Love and Grace from Jesus Christ that continues to work in us. We thank God who always provides short-term missionary to reach out to these neighboring children with God’s Love. At the moment, Kaylee Voorhees, daughter of Derek and Nell, our dear family friends, has decided to come and stay with us for about a month to see what ministry in Southeast Asia is like; she, assisted by Becky, has been teaching a couple days a week at the neighboring Thai government school for refugees from Myanmar. The kids are loving the learning experience as they do various fun activities. Moreover, Nick is doing sports ministry with the boys from the school. In the evening, several days a week, they have been coming to soccer practice which Nick coaches. The number has gone from 12 to about 20 kids every practice in 3 months. The small size field is getting too small for the kids, but it’s an awesome time to invest into their lives and to share the Good News with them. The kids at the school here holds dear to our hearts; we have formed relationships with them and their families for many years now and we have seen several of them believe in Christ. Now, they are asking and requesting that we have a small Christmas party for them again this year, which we are planning for at the moment.
The Thai government school; all the kids (mostly refugees) are required to stand in front of the Buddha image before and after school

Nick and Isaac spending time with the kids from the school
Becky and Kaylee playing games with the kids in class
Kaylee teaches English as Becky helps when the kids really don't understand
Furthermore, we are also preparing for Lisu Christmas festivals. The Lisu people are a people group who love poems and music, and in order to reach their hearts, music is a really great tool for that. In the past several months, Asians for Christ has recruited four new vocalists to sing gospel songs which will be available for the Lisu audience in the near future. This has been a challenge. One of the task at hand is to bring these young Lisu singers from Myanmar to Thailand in order to sing Gospel music at a couple of the Christmas festivals in Thailand. We are figuring out the requirements for them to get Thai visas. Prayers would be appreciated for this to go as smoothly as possible.

November contained fewer events than previous months, but the highlights were still impactful. First of all, Stephen started up a class on First Corinthians for the elderly people. Among them are Stephen’s relatives who are seeking the Word of God. They regretted not having a chance to study God’s Word when they were younger, but it’s never too late to study and renew your relationship with Jesus. Stephen has completed his final proof-reading on his recent exegetical commentary book. He is now working with a publishing company in a restricted country; if God is willing, his work will be legalized in restricted areas and people will have a tool for deeper studies of the Bible.

Stephen giving a sermon at the chapel as a visiting professor at one of the Bible seminaries in Chiang Mai

Stephen teaching 1st Corinthians

Also, Stephen has been asked to preach at the first Christmas event in Laos in front of several government and local leaders, both believers and non-believers. This event is not only for the celebration of the birth of Christ, but also to evangelize to non-believers. Please pray for his safety and health as his health is not fully recovered for the last trip. It will be a quick trip--flying to Luang Prabang on December 5, being the main speaker for the Christmas event and two services and then preach at a Sunday worship service before heading back to Thailand on December 9. We are praying that this event will result in a great harvest for the Lord, that many hearts would be opened after hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are praying that our Living God will be glorified. The evangelistic door in Laos is being opened wider and wider. Praise the Lord! The local Christian leaders in Laos has also requested Biblical training for them, which is wonderful! We are very excited that we are expanding to reach the Lost in a high risk for Christian country for the Lord. Please continue praying for our ministry in Laos.

In ministry, it’s a team effort. The soldiers in the front line couldn’t penetrate new areas unless they are being reinforced daily from our Living God and Lord and from the support from fellow warriors. Our mission field is very far from the churches and Christian families who are constantly praying for and supporting our ministry. We are very blessed to have awesome Christian brothers and sisters in Christ partnering with us. If you would like to partner with us in expanding his Kingdom in Southeast Asia and China, there are 3 things you can do right now. One, pray for us --- pray for the mission field, pray that we can conquer and be strong as we constantly face spiritual warfare, and pray for more workers to help us. Second, consider supporting us financially. As we expand to new areas with new ministries that God has opened doors to, our ministry expenses naturally increases. In order for our ministries – orphanage in Myanmar, training of leaders and evangelism in Southeast Asia and China, higher Biblical training for Christian leaders through classes and seminars, Bible commentaries and Christian media for the Lisu, expansion into Laos, Youth Ministry, and many more – to operate optimally, financial support from our partners is very important! You can give financially at (through, which is sent to our U.S. tax deductible account in Idaho). Third, if you would like to come and be a part of our ministry on the front lines, let us know. We are needing more Kingdom Workers with expertise in teaching English, teaching the Bible, relationship building, agriculture, coffee, and much more. If God is challenging you to be a part of our missions in any way, please open your hearts because you can be a part of his Kingdom expansion in Southeast Asia and China. In Christ, we are all soldiers going to war against the kingdom of darkness in order to break chains and free people through the Gospel. Each one of us can be a great impact for His Kingdom. With everyone doing their part on a team, the team will accomplish great things!
Stephen praying over patients before they had acupuncture treatment by a doctor from Korea
As temperature changes, most of the Wongs are struggling with allergy and sickness. While gaining age, Stephen is continuing to fight for his health. He is in Laos at this moment. He needs much of your prayers for him. Mary is physically weak with all of the things she has to take care of at our home base. Please pray for her as her health becomes frail. Nick asks for prayers for spiritual growth in wisdom and love as he helps wherever and whenever he can on the mission field. Becky is has really enjoyed hanging out and helping Kaylee teach at the local school. Please also pray for our kingdom workers and partners spreading His Gospel in Myanmar, China, Thailand, and Laos. As always, we thank you for being a part of our ministry and our family.