
How much is a man worth?

Dear Christian Friends,

Few years ago there was news that shocked the world about a teenager selling his kidneys for an iPhone and iPad 2.  Then a question was raised on how much one person is worth.  What do you think? How much is a man worth in your eyes?

Jesus said in Matthews 16:26 “For what will a man be profited, if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (NASB).   Since we believe that in God’s eyes, nothing in this universe can compare to a human soul.  The man is worth more than the universe. The reason God sent His only begotten son to die on the cross in order to save the world was because we are priceless in His eyes.

Updating for the Mission works in Myanmar

This past May, in our monthly newsletter, we talked about how we fought against various lethal diseases such as Malaria and Tuberculosis in the conflicted areas where many people have become displaced; many children have lost their parents in their early age, and many women have lost their loved ones.  It was heartbreaking to see many women and children going through this unending conflict without hope.  So as to paint a picture for this in detail, here is a story of a seven-year-old-girl name, Nue Sar.  Her father’s name is Nue Ah Phu and her mother’s name is  Daw Kar War.  The family was from a farming background and was derived from a poor lineage.  Unfortunately, their beautiful family had been destroyed by the arm forces at night, while they were sleeping.  At that unexpected time, a group of insurgents came into their home and abducted her father and mother. Nue Sar was three years old when her parents were abducted.  Even today, nobody knows whether her parents are still alive or not.  After her parent’s abduction, she lived with her grandmother.  They lived in a village where there were no TB treatment centers; not even public transportation to and from the village.  Two years ago, her grandmother became seriously sick. The villagers sent her grandmother to a hospital and she passed away three days later with TB. Nobody knew that Nue Sar’ grandmother had been suffered TB.  Nue Sar contracted TB from her grandmother.  After her grandmother’s death, a family from the village allowed Nue Sar to stay with them.  Because of their poverty, though they knew that Nue Sar had been infected with TB, they couldn’t help her much except by giving her daily meals. The situation of Nue Sar was getting worse day after day.  She had no hope to live on this world.  She was waiting to die like her grandmother.  One day, Sarmuekhi (one of our teammates) met Nur Sar.  Sarmuekhi took this poor little girl to the hospital and the girl was able to obtain TB medication.  This is the life testimony for our mission works in Myanmar.  Because of the help from IDES, with 75 dollars we did literary save Nue Sar’s life.  Wouldn’t you agree that she was worth the saving?

Nue Sar

Updating for the Mission works in China

According to our recent newsletter, it mentions Stephen’s invitation to give a speech at the conference this upcoming October 16-19, 2015 at Weixi; and the conference will publish his article entitled “The Uniqueness of Lisu People and Culture.”  However, as a missionary carrying out the Great Commission to the lost people, he must prioritize other activities.  Therefore, after the conference his group will travel to several places to teach the Lisu language to the Lisu people, most of them are non-believers, in China.

Why teach the Lisu language?   Briefly stated--- to know how to read in the Lisu language immediately leads to reading the Bible.  In fact, there aren’t any literature among the Lisu people.  The Bible is the main source for practicing the Lisu language.  Since we believe that the Bible is God’s Living Word, whoever reads the Bible will somehow or somewhere receive the eternal change from God.  As the popular saying goes “the method changes, but the message is always the same”.

So far, there are so many challenges, particularly, the team’s expenses; for instance, domestic traveling, lodging, and food during the two-week period of the teaching of the Lisu language.  The Chinese Government will pay in full for the team’s expenses, but only during the conference.   If God is willing, the team will teach the Lisu language in several places throughout Yunnan province and may cross over to Sichuan province.  Isn’t it worth to let people hear the Gospel of Jesus’ redemption?

Update from the Wongs

Stephen is spending hours upon hours from 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM (with meal breaks in between) scrutinizing the final draft of his commentary on Revelation entitled “Worship God Alone” in the Lisu language prior to publishing it this upcoming November.  Mary is busy with the rice paddy field.  Isaac is on his fall break.  Nick is still in Bangkok for his special training.  His training will be done in early November.  Becky was constantly helping Isaac with his daily homework.  Now, both of them are enjoying the break by reading novelties.  John is busy with his senior year at Grace International School.  He is searching and processing the application for many Christian colleges and universities.  Much appreciation goes to you for lifting him up to God’s hands.  Overall, every one of the Wongs is well.

Left to right: Mary, Isaac, John, Becky and Nick

We always give praise to our Living God and Lord for becoming one of His channel of blessings to other’s lives.  Please keep us in your daily prayers so that God’s Will be done and His Kingdom be expanded.  We have always appreciated your partnership for the mission works in Southeast Asia and China.

In Christ’s Love,

Stephen and Mary