

Greetings from the Wongratanamajcha family!

This month has been a great joy and blessing for the Wongratanamajcha family.  We had a great family time together at a nearby lake.  Even though it was brief, it was very wonderful.  Indeed, this is the first time in the past several years because in the past it was a challenge to find a time when everyone in the family was free. 

Family vacation

Almost every morning and evening, Stephen and Mary drove Isaac back and forth to school and help him with his homework.  Stephen is now shifting his evangelistic emphasis to biblical equipping emphasis.  All his traveling schedule is being paused due to the monsoon season.  He has spent hours upon hours each day to study the Scripture to prepare himself to teach the Christian leaders from Myanmar.  Actually, they arrived this past Thursday and are currently studying His Word, the Scripture and will be with us for two intensive months (July-August).  Stephen is teaching John’s Gospel.  Stephen has consistently studied John’s Gospel since 1998; however, this is the first time for him to teach this class.  Besides the Gospel of John, AIS will offer them other intensive courses, for instance, Exegesis on the book of Romans by Dr. Derek Voorhees from Boise Bible College, Preaching from the New Testament by Isaiah Yintum, Exegesis on the book of Hebrews and the book of James by Stephen.    

 a group picture with Christian workers from Myanmar

 Stephen is teaching on John's Gospel

Also, Stephen has been preparing to publish his commentary on the book of Revelation in the Lisu language.  He has studied the book of Revelation since 1997.  Indeed, he did his dissertation on this book.  Please pray for this to work out in the Lord’s favor as many people will be able to read and study upon, so their lives will be impacted by God’s Word.  Indeed, many of his commentaries stand in line to be published, if it is in God’s will.  Stephen also took some time during the weekends to visit local village churches to equip Nick and John in preaching and joining in fellowship with the local Christians.  Usually, he confesses that equipping his own children is harder than teaching others since they are growing up with the Third Cultural context.  However, it is a demanding task.  By the way, Nick, Becky and John are taking turns each evening teaching English to our students from Myanmar.

John is preaching God's Word 
at Nong Kiao church with two translators 

Here is a brief note from Nick: This month has been a relaxing month. Our family was able to spend time together. That was great! God has blessed me with many opportunities. I have just finished my teaching with the Korean Christian School and started teaching a writing class to the Myanmar students. Opportunities to serve the Lord is just increasing. With several church visits to different villages in Chiang Dao, I am learning that serving God is not just preaching, but fellowship. I have had opportunities through Thai friends I have met, because some of them have asked me about Christianity and I was honored to give one of my Thai friend, Thi, a bible this past month. Thi is currently out of the province, but whenever he returns to Chiang Mai, we will continue our bible study. I have also been asked to be a cohost on the radio for one of the FM stations in Thailand and with God’s help, I pray that people will come to know Him through this. Please be praying for our family, the ministry and mission field in Southeast Asia and China.  

 Nick is teaching English 

Mary is busy running back and forth in order to meet not only the needs of the family, but also the needs of the students.  As usual, they came here with limited resources.  Therefore, Mary has to get them not only clothes, but also personal necessities, for instance: soap, shampoo, toothbrush along with toothpastes,books, papers,etc.  Bless her heart and soul for all the works she has done for God’s Kingdom. 

Becky has finally graduated her university with an honorary degree.  She is now planning to find a job.  John will be entering his senior year in Grace International School.  Two weeks ago, John made a quick trip to the village with his dad in order to register for his military services.  As John has dual citizenship; American and Thai.  He has to register in order to be drafted at age of 20.  Although John was very stressed over becoming a Thai soldier, it will be highly unlikely that he will be exempted because of his nearsightedness.  Praise the Lord!

Introducing Ministry for Laos

Some of you may have known our long time co-worker, Yasa.  He has started to offer intensive courses for Christian leaders among the Lahu people from Laos.  There are approximately 30,000-40,000 Lahu people in Laos, but only 200-330 Lahu Christians.  Due to the persecution studying God’s Word in Laos is almost impossible.  However, because of their hunger for God’s Word, these Christians come to Thailand to study God’s Word and train to be His servants for month-long intensive courses.  Much work is still needing to be done in Laos.  Your prayers are much appreciated.

Yasa is teaching Bible to Lahu Christians from Laos

Our gratitude goes to those who have participated for Bible distribution.  Several hundreds of Bible in various languages have been distributed in the past years and several thousands of audio Bibles of which are downloaded into phone cards in various languages have been given throughout China and Myanmar.

God bless,
Stephen and Mary 

Prayer Requests:

1.      Please join us in prayers for the two most disturbing issues: first, pray for democracy in Thailand.  We are entirely disturbed by this undemocratic circumstance.  It seems that Thailand is governed by fear and repression.  People can no longer speak from their hearts and minds.  The economy seems shakily unstable.  Second, pray for all faithful Christians in America in facing a legal right of the same-sex marriage across the United States.  Since the world is changing swiftly; however, there is nothing new under this sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9).   Morality declines. Political turmoil and killing, murders and genocides increase.  All the issues indeed call us to obey even more in carrying out the Great Commission.
2.      Our family, students from Myanmar, and ministry for Laos.