

We always give thanks to God for the ministry that He has entrusted us with, through His grace and allowing us to be a tiny light shining in the dark world in Southeast Asia and China so that the Lost souls will know He is indeed the only true and living God.  We also give praise to Him for moving among us so that we will be able to give Him credit for everything.

As Thailand is an open society, our house is open for visitors and guests at all times.  In fact, we do have many visitors; whether neighborhood children, villagers, even guests from other countries visiting us almost daily.  Through an opening ministry, it turns out to be a blessed ministry for people would always come to our house asking for prayers and even having baptisms.  God has continued to add more people into His Kingdom both through our open-house ministry and through teammates at villages. 

 Baptism was held at house for avoiding 
a flash water during Monsoon 

 Baptism was held in a bathtub because of the harsh rain

 Baptism at village

Baptism at village

During this month, we have several groups surprise us with their visit.  A Christian leader, Tali, flew all the way from China in order to have one on one week Bible intensive study.  He called us from the airport in Kumming, informing us that he would be at the Chiangmai International Airport within the next two hours.  His main reason was to go through his message before teaching at the Wa Christian leader conference in his area, Linchang.  Normally, what we call “conference” is referring to a short period of intensive Bible study.  And most of those Wa Christians are the fruits of our ministry in the past several years.  Since Stephen could not make his mission trip to China this past summer, Tali came all the way to Thailand for God’s Word so that he would not misrepresent God’s truth to his people.       

Also, a group of Japanese students led by Dr. Masao Ayabe from Tokyo Metropolitan University and several people from World Race came to visit us.  Once a year, the Tokyo Metropolitan University will come to our place and listen to Stephen’s lecture on the Lisu history, culture and belief.  After giving a brief comparative theology, Buddhism, Animism and Christianity among Lisu people, Stephen always shared his conversion and why he converted from being an Animist to Buddhist and to Christ at last.   Praise the Lord!  We saw God move at this event for there were some Japanese students that felt empty in their lives and requested for prayers.

 Stephen is giving a lecture to Japanese students 
and the World Race on Christianity and culture

 Hosting both with Barbecue

James wrote in his letter: “What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds?  Can such faith save him?  Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food.  If one of you says to him, ‘Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?” (NIV).  Living in the developing countries or the newly industrialized country, like Thailand, there are many needs, even in our backyard, to look after for the sake of God’s Kingdom.  Particularly, the dislocated Shan kids who migrated from Myanmar and are living in our neighboring houses.  All these Shan people sell their daily labors for living.  The parents would leave very early in the morning, about 5 AM, and come home in the late evenings about 9 or 10 PM.  Their children are left home alone.  On school days, these children would attend school from 8:30-4:00 without breakfast and eat the foods which the school has provided at lunch time.  They would have dinner late at night after their parents come home.  During the weekend, many of these children will have two choices whether to turn to the Buddhist temple particularly on the Buddhist days in order to eat the leftover, or come to our house.  Some of you have been to our place and may remember that we live next to a Buddhist temple and a Brahmin shrine at the left corner before our house.  Often, they love to come to our house (Their parents never allow them to go to any other person’s house, except ours) so that they will be able to learn English and to fill up on an empty stomach.  Usually, Mary will let them read or cite the Bible and pray before feeding them a meal for that day.

 Phai, a dislocated Shan kid

Shan kids are enjoying their lunch

Family Life:

We are all doing well.  Isaac is on his school break for two weeks and he will have another break on Christmas.  Nick is working in teaching English so that he would earn some money for his mission trip to teach at a Bible teacher conference at North Myanmar this upcoming December.  John is at his junior year at Grace International School.  We do really appreciate GIS for their care and preparation for John's higher education.  The GIS is very sensitive about the Third cultural Kids (TCK), like John so the school is trying hard to help parents as missionaries to be aware of and get reading before sending our TCK back to colleges in the USA.  The school even coop with several colleges in the USA to represent their colleges in the campus.  The first college that already presented this month was Calvin College.  There are lots of ministerial positions needed at Grace International School.  You can visit them at the website link on the left side or just visit directly to their website (

Stephen has completed his preparation on the Second Corinthians and the Gospel of John.  He is now ready for the student’s arrival.  The students of AIS are now applying for their Thai visas in Yangon.  Hopefully, they will arrive this week.  This group will complete all their study courses in the third week of November.  There is a strong request from Christian leaders for China to offer such courses for them.  Please pray for us so that we will make our best decision according to the will of our Living God and Lord.  As you may already have known, AIS is not an institutional infrastructure.  It is in fact a Bible training program for Christian leaders.

We always appreciate your faithful partnership with us in expanding His Kingdom in Southeast Asia and China.  We also remember you in our prayers for allowing yourselves to be a living channel of His blessings and faithfulness.

In Christ Love,
Stephen and Mary


Prayer needs:
1.      Students’ visas and their studying God’s Word with us for these next two months.
2.      Our evangelistic trip to Laos this upcoming November.  The Lisu in Laos are unreached people.  No one has ever evangelized to them yet.  We have just heard about them recently.  We need your prayers for Laos is considered to be one of the top countries which persecute Christians.
3.      The conference for all Bible teachers in Myitkyina this upcoming December.
4.      John’s preparation for his further education.