
April 2012

Carrying out the Great Commission to the lost people has been our major goal since our mission was founded. We value the souls of those lost people, particularly people who live in restricted regions in China, Myanmar, and Laos, and their need of Jesus' redemption. This is why we do everything possible in order to win them for Jesus Christ.

Praise the Lord for frequently blessing us with many souls! This past month, March, 31 people were baptized. 25 of them are Wa people who live at the border area between Thailand and Myanmar. The area is marked as the source of amphetamine. This narcotic is manufactured, widely used, and easily found in this restricted area. The Wa people are known as spirit-worshipers. They worship many spirits-tree, mountains, river, and even rocks. Many times, they use all their means and their domestic animals such as pigs, chickens, cows, and buffaloes to sacrifice to those spirits. Indeed, sacrifice is demanded. If any person or family is under this spiritual oppression, they would possibly lose every means of life just to please those spirits. The gospel of Jesus' redemption becomes their only hope. They have been liberated both their physical and spiritual oppression. Still many thousands of lost souls needed to hear the good news of Jesus' redemption. Please keep those lost, the new converts, and our field-evangelists in your prayers. 

Wa village in Burma

House church service

As usual, Stephen's mission trip to China is scheduled on April 23-May 15, 2012. He is planning to go to Lijiang, Linglang, Yoseng, and Huaping. There are over 200,000 Lisu people in these areas. It is one of the most Lisu-populated area in China. However, this area is one of the least numbers of Lisu Christians in China. There are only 6,000 Christians. Our mission has built very solid personal relationships with local authorities there. On several occasions we have demonstrated to those particular leaders that Christianity does not threaten their traditional culture. The major difference is that we worship the True and Living God, not the god of our ancestors or any other evil spirits who claim to be god. Please pray that the small seed of the Gospel that we have planted throughout various seasons will produce great fruits and many souls will be harvested during this mission trip and the upcoming years. Our special gratitude goes to Monroeville Christian Church who provided the extra financial support to make this evangelistic trip happen. 

Making disciples in Southeast Asia and China is another goal of our mission. We are trying our best to teach Christians to be rooted in God's Word and live faithfully according to His Word in various contexts: congregational, conference, and seminar. During the Thai New Year, Songkran, a camp was offered on April 13-20 for an alternative celebration. Stephen was invited to teach the book of James at this camp to adults, particular to church leaders and evangelists. Praise the Lord! 13 youth were baptized at this camp. 

Asia International Seminary (AIS) is another avenue for teaching Christian leaders. It is on break for two months, April and May, for the summer and will be open again on June. By then, besides our regular students from Thailand, we will be busy equipping several ministers from Myanmar who will come and receive biblical training with us at AIS for a block of two months.

Becky and Isaac are on their summer school break. John has two-week break during Songkran, so he went to an alternative camp. We much appreciate you keeping Mary in your prayers. She really needs God's strength to continue in her humble services. Mary is the busiest person among all of us. She provides for everyone's needs tirelessly with her talents. She is always well-spoken of by guests and neighbors. She is the real blessed one!

Much appreciate your faithfulness in partnering with us in carrying out the Great Commission to the lost souls and making disciples in Southeast Asia and China.

In Christ's Love,
Stephen and Mary